ActCAD funkcijas

Programma ActCAD piedāvā virkni dažādu funkciju, rīku un komandu, visi CAD analogu DWG un DXF faili ir savietojami sākot ar R2 versiju.

Tools Palettes In ACTCAD

Introduced Tool Palettes in ActCAD to easily browse various commands, views, symbols etc. Additional tabs can be added to Tool palettes as desired.

New User Interface & Start Page

ActCAD 2020 has all new modern Black UI them with complete new set of icons. Introduced Startpage to quickly access recently opened drawings, daily software tips etc.

Artisan Renderer In ACTCAD

Artisan Renderer Integration: The Renderer allows you to create a photo-realistic image of your model quickly using a wide range of pre-set materials, snapshots and background setups combined with the ability to create custom backgrounds and realistic looking models.

ActCAD supports many file formats

ActCAD supports many file formats directly and through import and export options as shown in above image. All DWG & DXF files, from R2 to latest 2018 version are supported.

ActCAD Text Cases

In ActCAD you can edit text with different options. There is a provision to change the text into different case by using JUSTIFY, TEXTFIT, CHANGECASE, TOGGLECASE, UPPERCASE, LOWERCASE, SENTENSE CASE commands.

Create & Edit Tables

ActCAD you can create and edit tables very easily. There is a provision to import an external CSV to table and to export CAD table data to an external CSV file. This table is fully compatible with tables in other CAD software. You can perform many operations like insert/delete rows, insert/delete columns, merge cells, un-merge cells etc. You can change cell Background and Text Colors. Apart from these, many controls added to each cell like lock, unlock, format etc.

Familiar Interface, Commands & Icons - No Learning Curve

ActCAD is easy to learn and use. ActCAD incorporates a user interface, commands, icons and shortcuts similar to that used by the most popular (but much more expensive) CAD programs. The HELP feature will assist you in learning ActCAD commands. The TIP OF THE DAY provides helpful information when ActCAD starts. All commands and tools are easily accessible.

Printing & Plotting

ActCAD has a very powerful Print & Plot dialog with all popular options. It has a number of features such as .ctb, .stb, page size, resolutions, pc3 file saving and many more.

Open PDF drawing & Edit Entities

In ActCAD, you can open any existing vector PDF file directly and edit the entities just like a normal CAD drawing. All you have to do is to select the PDF file and click OK. ActCAD will convert the file to DXF at same location of original PDF and with same name and will also launch the converted drawing to ActCAD and fit it to graphics window. After that you can save the drawing to any of the supported DWG or DXF or any other file formats.

3D Models based on ACIS Kernel for 100% compatibility

ActCAD uses ACIS 3D Kernel from 3D Spatial. The 3D data is fully compatible with DWG and DXF data without any loss.

P & ID Label Text Creator

ActCAD has a tool to create P&ID label text in standard format by asking few values from the user. You can orient the text at any angle as per pipe lines with few clicks.

Drawings Audit in Batch Mode (Interactive Mode)

ActCAD has a special tool to audit & fix any internal errors in your DWG/DXF files in batch mode. Select the location of input folder and start the process. ActCAD will open each drawing and do database audit and automatically fix any internal errors and save the drawing to output folder. The process will repeat in a loop to avoid all manual operations during the conversion process. Just relax and observe the conversion process.

ActCAD Drawings Converter in Batch Mode (Silent Mode)

ActCAD Drawings Converter works outside ActCAD to convert a bunch of DWG/DXF/DGN files from one format to another. This converter supports all file versions from R2 to 2018 and is much faster compared to any tool and offers many additional functions.

Units Converter

While working on design projects, you may have to convert some engineering units frequently. ActCAD has a ready tool inside add-on menu for easy unit conversions for all common engineering units.

Import Point Data from CSV File

Many times users have point cloud data stored in Excel/CSV files. ActCAD has a provision to directly import all these points with one button click as geometric points to working drawing at correct 3D locations. You may have to adjust your point styles option to view the imported points inside your graphics window.

Check for Updates

At ActCAD software development and quality checking is a regular process. We make improvements to our existing codes and also implement some bug fixes based on users feedback. We release maintenance patches regularly to keep the technology up-to-date in your computer. All you have to do is click on Check for Updates command to automatically download most latest version of your license software from our server and update. No need of any manual intervention during this update process.

Capture CAD Points to CSV File

This program does the opposite of Importing Point Data from CSV File. You can click a series of points inside your drawing (like hole coordinates, road levels, block locations etc.) and their coordinates will be captured to an external CSV file. You can continue the selections as long as you need and program will continue to capture the points. In order to correlate the points data, ActCAD will add a serial number to each point inside the drawing and same numbers will be maintained in the CSV file.

Extract Block Attributes

Another useful utility in ActCAD is that you can extract all Block Attributes to an external Excel file with one click. No need to select any complex templates and remember the syntax as done in commonly used data extraction tools. The attributes as in attributes editor will be copied to excel file in same sequence for ready use in other applications like SAP, BOM tables etc.

ActCAD Explorer

ActCAD explorer is advanced tool to explore layers, blocks, line-types, dimension styles, text styles and many more at one place. You can copy the styles from one drawing to another simply by dragging and dropping them. Inserting new items, deletion, editing etc. are all possible in this dialog.

Ribbon Interface

ActCAD supports both Classic Menu Style interface as well as modern Ribbon Style interface. The tabs are organized in a systematic manner for each command group. It is easy to find the commands on ribbons with mouse clicks rather than lengthy drop down menus. Command prompt will work as usual with all shortcuts and aliases. ActCAD interface can be easily customized using CUI file or interactive editor. There are many improvements to this module in ActCAD 2020.

XREF Manager

XREF Manger is very useful to manage external references used in a drawing. You can attach or detach references to drawing using this dialog. XREFs are powerful means to link drawings without adding up the size. Also they maintain associativity between linked drawings. You can view the XREFs either as normal list or ladder structure.

PDF Underlay

PDF underlay tool allows you to insert PDF files into current drawing. There is a provision to select a page to be inserted into the drawing. Scale of inserted PDF can be changed as needed in all X, Y and Z directions. Rotation is also possible. PDF underlay is useful to draw some content with reference PDF contents. Link with original PDF will be maintained by ActCAD.

DWF Underlay

DWF is a Design Web Format file used to easily communicate drawings with others. They are light weight and easy to share with others without having complete drawing information. If you need to take any reference from DWF files, you can attach them to any drawing using DWF underlay option. Similar to above two formats it will maintain associativity with original file.

DGN Underlay

DGN files can be wither opened directly in ActCAD or inserted as underlays. All the options are similar to PDF underlay and associativity will be maintained with original DGN file.

Text Styles

ActCAD supports standard DWG text styles. You can edit existing text styles and create any number of new styles. You can browse all available text styles in ActCAD Explorer. Easy to apply text styles to all drawing annotations including dimensions with one edit. Copy styles from one drawing to another simply by dragging & dropping in ActCAD explorer.

Software Customization

ActCAD supports customization using AUTO-LISP, DCL, .NET (VB/C#/VC++), IRX, TX, SDS and COM automation. A separate developer tool kit is available for download on request. Complete Developer Help is included in ActCAD for your reference and Customization.

Arc Aligned Text

ActCAD has ARCTEXT command to create and edit curved text in your drawing. You can apply many text and alignment styles in this dialog. You can double click on existing ARCTEXT and change its parent arc apart from editing other parameters. A text preview is provided on the dialog to see the text before actual placement into drawing.

2D & 3D PDF Export

From ActCAD you can export both 2D & 3D PDF files from active drawing. It has options such as layer support, orientation, resolution, embedding fonts and many more. The 3D PDF file can be viewed for free in Adobe Acrobat Reader with many 3D options.

Change Numeric Text Values

Sometimes in drawings, you may have to modify a series of number texts with some modifications such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc. Manually editing each textl takes a lot of time. ActCAD has an in-built program to modify your texts in drawing in batch mode. You can set the operation and parameter before starting the change. This feature not only saves time but also increases accuracy while eliminating any human errors.

Localization & Internationalization

ActCAD comes with about 15 International languages viz., English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Turkish etc. You can change your preferred language in Tools > Options > Display tab > change language.

Importing your UI customization files

ActCAD has a new customize dialog in 2020 in which you can load your custom menus, aliases, CUI files, tool bars etc. These settings will remain in ActCAD as long as you do not reset your profile.

All new BREAKLINE Command

ActCAD 2020 has a BREAKLINE command with block support option. You can easily create breaklines in your drawing with standard breakline symbol or any custom block symbol. There is a provision to control the extension length of breakline too.

All new ARRAY Dialog

ActCAD has a new array dialog with familiar options for rectangular and circular patterns. This dialog supports both 2D & 3d arrays. Array orientation option is also available for circular patterns.

FIELD Dialog

ActCAD supports many fields in drawing such as author, file name, date, project etc. The new Field dialog is very useful to manage your drawing fields at one place. You can call the defined fields in drawing annotations and in title block to maintain value associativity. Also fields are very useful to link drawing attributes to external PDM software such as SAP, Teamcenter etc. Same field can be used at multiple locations in a drawing and they will all update if a value is changed in field dialog.


Polysolid is very important feature useful in 3D modeling. It is very much similar to Polyline, but it creates a continuous 3D solid. You can select a profile and sweep it along a line, arc, polyline or circle. You can keep on selecting points to continue the 3D solid profile.

Annotative Objects

Annotative objects are useful to get different sizes of entities such as text, hatch, dimensions , tolerances, blocks etc. in multiple viewports. You can define many annotative scales for these objects and call one of them in layout/viewport. This will ensure correct display of scales in viewports irrespective of their scales.

Numerous RGB Color Values

ActCAD has about 562 RGB colors defined within to apply to your drawing entities like text, lines, hatch, solids etc. This will increase the compatibility with drawings created in other software. Moreover, these RGB values are useful for attractive presentation drawings.

Auto Complete of Commands

ActCAD has thousands of in-built commands, functions and system variables. Remembering all these commands and variables is very difficult. The autocomplete options is very useful for standard users to show the commands and variables starting with the letters typed in command prompt. After that you can directly select a required command from the list. For advanced users, there is an option to disable this autocomplete dialog.

Attach Point Cloud Data

ActCAD has powerful 3D point cloud import options for .PCB and .ISD files. You can select Point Cloud Underlay option in insert menu/ribbon and select desired file to import. There is a provision to select insertion point and rotation angle.

64bit multi-core support

All versions of ActCAD have both 64bit and 32bit installers. 64bit versions are capable of utilizing multiple cores and multiple threads of your CPU. Operations will be faster by 30% in 64bit software, especially in large drawings.