Category: ActCAD Blog

PDF to DWG Free Converter in 2020

Pdf to DWG Free Converter: ActCAD Software released a freeware called ActCAD Converter for converting PDF files to DWG format. It gives the outputs as .dwg format files. This software can be used by individuals and commercial Organizations for any…

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Best CAD Drawing Software in 2020

“Computer-Aided Design” is the full form for CAD. Sometimes CAD is also called computer-aided design and drafting i.e CADD too. Before knowing about the CAD drawing software, let’s discuss briefly the history that leads to the formation of CAD drawing…

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ActCAD IntelliCAD CAD Software

ActCAD is a professional-grade CAD software built on top of the latest IntelliCAD engine. It supports dwg and dxf files natively in addition to the opening of dgn files. It is a cost-effective 2D Drafting and 3D Modeling CAD software…

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