ActCAD 2021 version 1001551 released.
This is a general maintenance release with some new commands and bug fixes. Below is a detailed log of changes:
This is a general maintenance release with some new commands and bug fixes. Below is a detailed log of changes:
- Added new command DIMSPACE
- Added new command ATTIN
- Added new command ATTINXL
- Added new command ATTOUT
- Added new command ATTOUTXL
- Added new command ATTSYNC
- Added new command ATTINC
- Improved NumberedMarkers command
- Revised ODA libraries version to 6670
- Fixed issues in APPLOAD command
- Fixed WBLOCK changing layers of non-zero elevation entities
- Fixed Layer State Properties not saving
- Fixed LAYERSTATE missing some Restore option
- Fixed restoration of layer states to multiple viewports or layouts
- Fixed DTEXT doesn’t show the actual input height and angle
- Fixed wrong annotative scale set when Xref filter is off
- Fixed MTEXT text shifts when being edited when aligned at the bottom
- Fixed some issues in Selection Cycling
- Fixed some issues in Intelliconvert
- Fixed initial sorting of the Sheets/Layouts in sheets list
- Fixed Page Setup of several sheets from different drawings in Publish command
- Fixed some issues in font mapping file (icad.fmp)
- Fixed DIMASSOC breaking the associativity of dimensions to blocks
- Fixed Lineweght/Transparency state resets after using Edit in Layerstate
- Fixed incorrect behavior of VIEW tools when switching layouts and model/paper space
- Fixed certain issues with plotting
- Fixed crash issue during perspective mode rendering
- Fixed view toolbar and ribbon view buttons greyed out in paper space
- Fixed trim by crossing polyline removes extra segment
- Fixed MTEXT issues in numbering and indenting after importing .rtf document
- Fixed Mleader label alignment option like OtherCAD
- Fixed file Save error log written to a wrong file
- Fixed RTROT rotates view incorrectly making it nearly unusable
- Fixed hatch origin set incorrectly if bound to extents
- Fixed MTEXT Background Settings dialog does not save default settings
- Fixed Print stamp setting not saved after restarting ActCAD
- Fixed RR Grips disappear when selecting after using (vl-load-com)
- Fixed Text/Mtext selection during editing is not working with Shift and right arrow key
- Fixed Image Path uses forward slashes when dragged and dropped
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